Online signal from the radio stations of the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples (INPI) in Mexico.Indigenous echoes integrates the signal of the stations, XEANT The Voice of the Huastecas, XHCARH, The Voice of the Hñähñú People, XECOPA, The Voice of the Winds, XECTZ, The Voice of the Sierra Norte, XEETCH, The Voice of the Three Rivers, XHCPBS, The Voice of the Chontales, XEGLO / XHGJO. The Voice of the Sierra Juárez, XEJAM. The Voice of the Costa Chica, XEJMN. The Voice of the Four Towns, XEOJN. The Voice of Chinantla, XEPET / XHPET. The Voice of the Mayans, XEPUR. The Voice of the Purhepechas, XEQIN / XHSQB. The Voice of the Valley, XETAR. The Voice of the Sierra Tarahumara, XETLA / XHPBSD. The Voice of the Mixteca, XETPH. The Three Voices of Durango, XEVFS. The Voice of the Southern Border, XEXPUJ. The Voice of the Heart of the Jungle, XEZON. The Voice of the Sierra de Zongolica, XEZV. The Voice of the Mountain, XHNKA. The Voice of the Great People, XHTUMI / XETUX. The Voice of the Sierra Oriente. A project of the INPI Digital Media Department and the UNESCO Office in Mexico. Coordination: Norberto Zamora Pérez / Juan Fernando Ortega Hernández, Development: Francisco Javier Cuamatzi Cuamatzi, Graphic Design: Teresa Marlene Placier Gallardo. International Decade of Indigenous Languages.